Introduction to Moffett Training Videos


The Atlas Polar website is full of interesting and informative items. We are constantly updating our site with new info and videos so that we can remain a resource for our customers and friends. One of the videos that we have just uploaded to our website is a short but valuable operator training intro clip for Moffett Truck Mounted Forklifts.

If you recently purchased a Moffett Truck Mounted Forklift, or would just like a quick refresher, take a few moments to check out this video.

I know that, for a lot of people, there is a tendency to skip over the introduction in a manual or the first couple of paragraphs in an instruction list. When it comes to heavy equipment, though, this is not always the best idea. In this intro video, a few key facts about the Moffett Truck Mounted Forklift are pointed out that bring home the importance of reading the manual and understanding safety features. As an example, if you have operated one model of this machine, it does not necessarily mean that you will be able to operate every model in the exact same manner. Features and functionality may vary between models.

The video can’t be more than two minutes long, so please take a look and feel free to comment about it on this blog.