Lightweight, rugged, high-tensile steel is an essential part of HIAB, Moffett and Multilift frames and components and a contributing factor to its leading role in the materials handling industry. Pioneering the way for the use of fossil-free steel in their equipment is an integral part of their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint and fighting climate change in a meaningful way – a viable alternative as the global demand for steel increases.
Cargotec, the parent company of HIAB, Moffett and Multilift truck-mounted equipment, has partnered with SSAB, a forerunner in fossil-free steel development, to incorporate this innovation into their equipment, significantly lower environmental impact and contribute to a carbon-neutral value chain.
We’re proud to be a part of the HIAB family and of their commitment to a better world. Cargotec was one of the early signatories of the United Nations Global Compact Business Ambition for 1.5˚C.
#GlobalCompactBusinessAmbition #1.5degreesC #climatechange #fossilfree #fossilfreesteel #materialshandling #carbonfootprint #C02 #atlaspolar #ourfuture